viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

National Treasure 3!

Another one? Why Not?!

National Treasure has been called one of Nicholas Cage's (The Rock, Matchstick men) best roles! Remember last movie the U.S. President asks Ben (Nicholas Cage) wich was the content of page 17 in the book of secrets. This may give a plot to National Treasure 3 comming 2010.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knghtley may come back this 2012 for another Pirates of the Caribbean. You may remember the last film ended with Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) keeping the Flying Dutch and giving his heart inside a chest to Elizabeth (Keira Knightley), and, of course, Captain Jack Sparrow is still in search of inmortalyty, which he may find in the next movie, as we saw him at the end looking at the fountain of youth on his map. With the death of Cuttler Becket and Davy Jones we don't know who the villain will be this time or which new charracters are going to see, but we're still gonna be watching Captain Barbosa; and remember, in "Pirates" everybody is a villain from the other one's point of view.

Johnny Depp (Sweeney Todd, Finding Neverland) -- Orlando Bloom (The Lord of the Rings, Elizabethtown) -- Keira Knightley (Atonement, The Dutchess)

Another Batman

An Untitled batman project may come out on 2011. Because of the previous death of Heath Ledger, the joker is not going to be part of the next movie; unless the production company hires someone else to play the joker. I don't think they would like to replace Ledger because it wouldn't be publicly accepted and it would be hard to replace him after such a big mark he left.

This leaves us with the big question: Who will be the next Batman villian?

These are the villains that we've already seen in the new Batman series:

Cillian Murphy (Red Eye) as the Sacarecrow in Batman Beguins (Left) -- Heath Ledger (A knight´s tale, Brokeback Mountain) as the Joker in The Dark Knight (Middle) -- Aaron Eckhart (No reservations, Thank you for no smoking) as Two Face in The Dark Knight (Right)

Other future Batman Villains

Philip Seymour Hoffman is also rumored to play the penguin maybe not in this next film but in other future films.

Fake posters made with Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin

I don't know who else will appear in the third Batman but there shure are lots of villains left to see, and to wait for: Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and more; and, of course, Robin and Bat Girl

Here is a fake poster showing Harley Quinn:

Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars, Heroes, Gossip Girl) in a fan-made poster as Harley Quinn

Catwoman in next Batman film

Also Catwoman is a big candidate for the next batman villain.

The role is rumored between all these women:

Cher (Left) -- Angelina Jolie (Middle Left) -- Marion Cotillard (Middle Right) -- Kate Beckinsale (Right)

Jolie (Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Wanted) is the strongest one because of her sexy look and her previous action roles wich give her a great vitae. Rumors say she has already enquired about the role, and Telegraphic UK and MTV News say she already asked to play the villianess.

Cher is criticized as being to old for this role... Seriously, who came up with this? she may be as old as the one who played catwoman in the 60's... They would totally screw the movie if they chose her.

Beckinsale (Underworld, Van Helsing) is also a strong candidate, is maybe the best and the sexiest option out of these four women, in my opinion. She is actually intrested in the role and i think she would make a great job. She recently said that if she was offered the chance to star opposite Christian Bale in a new film about the Caped Crusader, she would definitely agree. I'm actually very thrilled about her being in the next movie! I like her even better than jolie

As for Cotillard (Big Fish, A Good Year) it hasn't been heard enough but this poster shows that someone wants her to play Catwoman.

If you're able to read the cast on top of the poster, you'll be able to see Cotillard's last name.

This are other fake pics made with Kate Beckinsale as Catwoman.

The riddler in next batman film

There are rummors that sustain Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeny Todd) will be playing the riddler. Some fans say Depp is to much of a celebrity compared with the rest of the Batman cast. These fans sugest David Tennat (Dr Who, Harry Potter and the gobblet of fire) should be playing the riddler in the next film. Anyway there's no doubt Johnny Depp should be playing the next riddler.
Johnny Depp fan made poster (LEFT) -- David Tennat fan made poster (Right)

These are all Riddler fake posters: